
Thuses.com is an online publishing platform for mathematicians.

What is Thuses for?

On Thuses, you can publish and discuss ideas of interest to the mathematical community. Thuses is a perfect place to share new approaches, slick proofs, and surprising counterexamples. A place for “folklore results” that are considered known but don’t actually exist in literature. A place for everything in math that just has to be shared.

We envision Thuses as a lounge in a math department, where graduate students and faculty members discuss math in front of huge blackboards. And more often than not, interesting things come up: a take on a recent arXiv paper, a “kinda known” calculation that isn’t written down anywhere, or just a desire to share what you learn with others. That’s what happens when you’re excited about math.

Thuses is the place to share your excitement.

Who is Thuses for?

We generally expect the discussion to be at the level of grad school and above, but we also encourage strong undergraduates to join in as well. It is important for us to keep the level of interest to the mathematical community and not to the general public.

How is Thuses different?

Current alternatives to Thuses such as mathoverflow do not allow one to share and discuss mathematical ideas in the manner above, as mathoverflow is purely a Q&A site. We want Thuses to have the communal aspect of mathoverflow, but to be less of a question-and-answer site. The ethos of each post is that you, the author, have something interesting to bring to the table to be shared.

Personal math blogs exist, and mathematicians certainly do share their ideas there. But unless you are Terry Tao, it is hard to acquire a wide audience to share your ideas with. On Thuses, your ideas will be seen.

Come on to Thuses, create an account, and join the discussion!

You can follow us on Twitter and Telegram.

If you have any questions, please reach out to support@thuses.com.

About us

Thuses is run by three Stanford math grad students, Slava Naprienko, Bogdan Zavyalov, and David Benjamin Lim.

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