July 16, 2021. We introduce lazy LaTeX render. Now, when you open a page with new formulas, it uploads instantly and then formulas start rendering in front of your eyes. This way, we can avoid server overload and make pages open faster even if they have thousands of formulas. In particular, it means that the preview works very fast: the page opens immediately and then starts rendering all the formulas from the page.
The formulas are rendered in the following order: environments (equation, align, …), displayed ($$ … $$ and \[ … \]), inline ($ … $ and \( … \) ).
June 23, 2021. Finally, we support global page-wide preambles for QuickLaTeX! You can define your favorite commands, packages, and operators at the beginning of your post and use them page-wide.
\newcommand{\OO}{\mathcal{O}} % The integer ring.
\newcommand{\p}{\mathfrak{p}} % The maximal ideal.
\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}} % The integers.
\newcommand{\N}{\mathbb{N}} % The nonnegative integers.
\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}} % The reals.
\newcommand{\C}{\mathbb{C}} % The complex numbers.
| Notice that and that is a subgroup of but these facts are not related to each other. Also, looks nice. |
June 11, 2021. We now support the following packages by default:
- amsmath
- amsfonts
- amssymb
- enumitem
- mathrsfs
- mathtools
- stmaryrd
- upgreek
- tikz-cd
Now you can easily write commutative diagrams! For example, $$\begin{tikzcd}
A \ar{r} \ar{d} & B \ar{d} \\
C \ar{r} & D
will produce
June 10, 2021. Now you can sort posts by Recent and Best in Month, Year, or All time. Also, we have a basic search at the top of each page.
May 18, 2021. We published a Community guidelines page, where we explain what we expect from people in Thuses community.
May 15, 2021. We published the All about LaTeX page, where we explain how to use LaTeX on Thuses, what packages are available by default, how to add custom packages, and what is currently not supported on Thuses.
We also published Support Thuses page, where we explain how you can help us to grow and become a vibrant community helpful to mathematicians.
May 6, 2021. We published What can I post on Thuses? page, where we explain what posts we’d like to see on Thuses and which posts are not suitable for us.